
Tekstiili18 exhibition showcases the versatility and artistry of textile design at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture. The exhibition presents curated textile design works in various fields such as fashion, interior, art and science.
Tekstiili18 – The versatility and high artistry of textile design at Aalto University
Tekstiili18 exhibition 21.–27.5.2018 at Turbiinisali at the Cable Factory, Helsinki
The exhibition was part of Aalto Festival 2018 and it is supported by Finnish Textile and Fashion.
Tekstiili16 – Textile design is fashion, but it’s also technology, art and science!
Tekstiili18 exhibition 25.–29.5.2016 at Turbiinisali at the Cable Factory, Helsinki
The exhibition was supported by Finnish Textile and Fashion organisation. This exhibition was part of Aalto Festival 2016.