DIALOGUES – An Ode to Textile Stories

‘DIALOGUES – An Ode to Textile Stories’, took place at Central Library Oodi from 7.9-1.10.2023, exploring textile narratives, artistic exploration, material solutions and design pedagogy across a multitude of textile works from Aalto University.
Here, textiles are presented as a medium for creativity, design, narratives, and innovation, bridging storytelling and tactility. The interconnectedness of textiles and storytelling, lies in the etymology of the word text, deriving from the Latin root texere, “to weave”. The pieces and projects in this exhibition approach problem-solving and creative expression through different means, showing a diverse range of possibilities when it comes to material interpretations of textile stories.
This exhibition continues the series DIALOGUES, presenting textiles as a medium for future solutions. Launched in New York in November 2022 with a joint exhibition and seminar by Aalto University and Parsons – The New School, the exhibition was expanded on return to the Dipoli Gallery, Aalto University in Espoo in December 2022. The partnership with Central Library Oodi brings textile stories from Aalto University to new audiences in Helsinki.

Exhibiting Designers and Research Groups:
Sanna Ahonen / Lorena Articadi / Nora Bremer / Venla Elonsalo / Anusuya Krishnaswamy /Josh Krute / Ella Siltavuori / Kristin Ferrell / Multifunctional Materials Design Research Group: Jaana Vapaavuori, Laura Koskelo, Maija Vaara, Mithila Mohan, Pedro Silva, Zahra Madani / Sun-Powered Textiles-Moiré project: Zuzana Zmatekova, Janne Halme, Elina Ilén, Maarit Salolainen / BioColour-Natural Indigo project: Kirsi Niinimäki, Arttu Åfeldt, Maija Fagerlund, Anna-Mari Leppisaari / Ioncell® Lindström towel project knit – Ioncell® research team & Elina Onkinen, Kasia Gorniak / Leonardo Hidalgo Uribe / Ia Kähkönen / Helmi Liikanen / Jarno Kettunen / Elisa Defossez

DIALOGUES Exhibition Team:
Concept and curation: Maarit Salolainen
Curator, Aalto Exhibitions: Edel O’Reilly
Exhibition coordinator: Nora Bremer
Graphic design: Aino Salonen
Aalto Studios
Aalto Printlab & Bookstudio
Helsinki Central Library Oodi
Video: Aino Salonen