Designers’ Nest Exhibition Prize 2020 awarded to Amina Saada

Designers’ Nest Exhibition Prize 2020 is awarded to Amina Saada, a Master’s student in Fashion, Clothing and Textile Design (FaCT) at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture. Amina Saada’s work Red Bride features in the exhibition Absent Bodies at the outdoor plaza in front of the Designmuseum Danmark. The exhibition is curated by Ane Lynge-Jorlén, director of Designers’ Nest and Pernille Stockmarr, curator and museum inspector at Designmuseum Danmark.

In her work Wearable Sculptures, Saada centres on finding new shapes and ways to make clothing that can be presented as sculptures. The winners were selected on their skills, concept, aesthetic vision and ability to communicate in an exhibition context. The jury states “Amina Saada’s Wearable Sculptures are created with high levels of artistry, concept and craftsmanship”.

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Absent Bodies exhibition 28.8.–22.11.2020

Designers’ Nest Exhibition Prize Winners 2020


Red Bride by Amina Saada. Photos: Alexander Höllsberg


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