Fashion Collection Design

Learn to create fashion concepts and collections and develop your personal creative vision and critical thinking.
- Students design a fashion collection based on their own fashion concept.
- Students strengthen their skills in creative fashion collection design through their personal design processes and workshops. They design and execute conceptual presentation material for the concept and collection.
- Students adopt the professional goals of a designer and improve their project management and teamwork skills within a scheduled project.
- An excursion to Premier Vision Fair in Paris is essential and highly recommended as a part of the course.
- After this course, students can continue to the Fashion Collection Project to realize their collection.
Learning Outcomes
Students learn to deepen their skills in creating fashion concepts and collections, developing their personal creative vision and critical thinking. They are familiar with the different aspects and methods of concept design and understand what makes a strong and sustainable fashion concept. Students deepen their creative and professional skills in fashion collection design. Students learn to manage the different phases of a collection design process with an account for professional working methods as well as industrial production procedures.
Students understand the design development process for different types of fashion collections, the different target groups, importance of branding and the meaning of the conceptual promotional material.
Students are able to work in professional teams, according scheduled project plan.